


source: http://www.davidsimmons.com/soft/xtermhacks/
Friendly copy-and-paste

Many xterm users are frustrated because it is difficult to copy text from an xterm and paste it into modern applications such as Firefox. The root of the problem is that there are two different “selection buffers” that are commonly used in the X Window System:

The “CLIPBOARD” selection buffer is used for the cut-and-paste functions that most users are familiar with: Selecting the “cut”, “copy” or “paste” menu items from the application’s “Edit” menu, or using the corresponding CTRL-X, CTRL-C, or CTRL-V shortcut keys. This selection buffer is the standard means of performing cut-and-paste operations in most modern applications. However, this selection buffer is unfortunately not used at all by xterm in the default configuration.
The “PRIMARY” selection buffer receives data when the user highlights text with the mouse. The text in this buffer is pasted when the user presses the middle mouse button in an application’s text entry field. This cut-and-paste buffer is a legacy function which new users are generally not told about, in the interests of avoiding mass confusion. Most modern applications support this buffer. This is the only buffer used by xterm.
